
Self-tanning foams and sprays

Tanning, the skin shade that all women desire, can be achieved through several methods, but by far the healthiest form of tanning is provided by self-tanners.

Excessive exposure to the sun or frequenting the tanning bed can be dangerous for the skin, so if you want a healthy tan you can turn to self-tanners. They do not damage the skin and give it a natural, perfect tan appearance, especially for summer, when dresses and short skirts are the most worn items in the wardrobe.

Types of self-tanners

At Cupio, you can find several types of self-tanners – in the form of foam, lotion, spray, or oil. Regardless of the type of self-tanner you choose, it's very important to know how to use it to avoid unsightly stains on the body.

Before applying the self-tanner, prepare your skin:

  1. Exfoliate - use a body scrub from the Cupio SPA range to remove dead cells that tend to color more intensely after applying the self-tanner. By exfoliating, you'll eliminate the risk of an uneven tan. It's important to insist on areas where the skin is harder - the heels, elbows, and knees area.
  2. Moisturize - do not skip the part where you thoroughly moisturize the skin with a body cream, butter, or even a body oil.
  3. Apply the self-tanner - not before using a pair of gloves to avoid staining your palms! Remove your clothes and tie your hair in a ponytail, then start applying a small amount of product and massage it onto the desired areas until absorbed.

It's important to distribute the amount of self-tanner very well on the skin and equally to achieve an even tan.

The effects of the self-tanner may not be visible immediately, but after a few hours. Applying several layers will lead to achieving a darker color of the skin. It is not recommended to take a shower immediately after applying the self-tanner and neither to wear clothes because you could stain them.

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