Products for Nail Painting

  •  very high coverage power
  •  highest quality pigments
  • fine texture
  • transfer resistance
  • high viscosity
  • color is water-resistant after drying

Nail painting for beginners

Nail painting is a technique often used in the field of manicure and is also called nail-art. It involves creating various designs, paintings, and patterns on nails and can be done at home or in specialized beauty salons.
Nail painting can be done either with UV gels, acrylic paints, or watercolors, or with nail-art markers. Regardless of the product you choose, it is important to use a base coat before applying the color to protect the nail and to apply a top coat at the end to extend the color's durability.
For creating various patterns, the use of nail-art brushes is necessary.
It's good to know that while painting gels are applied as they are on the nail, it is not the same case with acrylic paints or watercolors. The latter are more viscous and have a high covering power. Thus, it is recommended to dilute them with water. Before the brush is passed through the desired paint color, it is moistened with water. Usually, acrylic paints and watercolors are ideal for creating diffuse painting patterns.

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