Lampi manichiura

  • professional UV lamps
  • quality guarantee
  • suitable for salons and for home
  • ideal for professional results
  • diverse range

Professional Manicure Lamps

UV lamps have become very popular in the field of manicure nowadays, due to the fact that they greatly ease the work when UV gels are used, which polymerize under UV light. At Cupio, you find the UV lamp you need to achieve a durable and perfect manicure.

UV Lamps from Cupio

Cupio’s offer includes professional devices that help in the polymerization of UV gel and Nail Polish, applied on nails. Women passionate about manicure find a varietу of professional nail lamps, at the lowest prices. A UV lamp or a LED lamp for nails ensures a long-lasting operation and can be chosen based on its power. At Cupio, there are manicure lamps of 2W, 9W, 24W, 48W, 54W, 72W.

LED nail lamp models

Choosing a lamp for manicure is done based on its power, color, size, or shape. At Cupio, there are manicure lamps of various sizes, intended for both professional salon use and personal use at home. Beginners can choose manicure lamps of lower power, such as those of 9W, the others of higher power being especially dedicated to technicians in the field of manicure.


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